Android applications leverage device multimedia, telephone, location services, and camera features.
Securely access your firm's data from any Android device
Utilize barcode and QR technology to put scanners in the field.

Android Application Development

Catenary Software's approach to enterprise Android development takes several different approaches. Some solutions require onboard development in Java with local database storage. Others can be handled with smart phone friendly website development or a combination of both.
Most enterprise Android applications are simply data makers and data viewers: most of the work is on the back end, integrating the device to your internal systems. That can't be bought off the shelf.
Android is rapidly expanding its list of supported sensor types. Android development now supports Bluetooth connectivity to health care devices. Android furnishes most of the prototype code required to interface to any sensor.
In the rush to embrace the latest technology, security is often overlooked. If you already have a network security person on staff, we want to talk to him first, so our solutions are congruent with your firm's security and data policies. If you don't, we can help your firm establish such policies.

Technical Considerations for Android Development.

The Android operating system isn't just for phones. It runs well on low-cost, low-power ARM devices.
Your facility should also have Wi-Fi connectivity to reduce data costs.
Applications which use GPS have their own connectivity considerations.
We have encountered some older Android devices which have trouble with bar code and QR software, but not often.
When the phone can't get connectivity, such as in rural areas, Catenary Software can take a store and forward approach, stacking up messages for later transmission.