Decision Support and Business Intelligence Services
Business Intelligence translates to people making better decisions. Business Intelligence gives your firm an overview of your process and puts your personnel in the decision making loop.
Catenary Software can exactly model your process and policy, giving your firm the ability to adapt and improve, supported by meaningful data, not hunches or fads. People handle exceptions. Systems handle rules. A well-designed decision support system gives you the best of both worlds.
Error, misunderstanding, waste, delay and fraud hide in a poorly-managed managed process. Catenary Software's decision support tools give management a strategic window into ongoing processes.
Consider your firm's purchase orders. In a well-run corporation, purchase orders are approved or denied in a timely fashion according to your policies. Purchase orders over a designated amount require a different approval process. Catenary Software's rule sets integrate such policies into the process.
Consider how and why a customer purchases your firm's goods and services. Decision support helps your personnel intelligently adapt to better understand and serve your customers.
Your firm makes money by making correct decisions. Catenary Software's approach to decision support gives your personnel the confidence to know their decisions are based on corporate policy.